Enabling forces

The enabling forces were deployed in davance of the main body to facilitate the smooth flow of the deployment. They consisted primarily of headquerters communcations and logistics elements involving around 2,600 NATO personnel

The first troops arrived on December 2, 1995. Their early deployment was required to prepare for the rapid and efficient arrival of the main body of the Implementation Force following signature of the peace agreement and adoption of a UN Security Council resolution.

On the same day, SACEUR tasked the Commander in Chief Southern Europe to assume control of assigned NATO land, air and maritime forces and employ them as part of the enabling force. Movement of these forces began on 2 December 1995.

The enabling forces operated under NATO rules of engagement and in close coordination with the UN Peace Force and under status of forces agreements with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.

Part of enabling forces were from Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH) Headquarters in Naples, Italy and the Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) in Moenchengladbach, Germany. The rest of them were provided by other NATO commands as well as by NATO nations. They have deployed to a number of locations in Croatia and Bosnia- Herzegovina. Their task was to establish logistic support and command and control to facilitate the establishment of the IFOR headquarters and the transition into theatre of the large numbers of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that will comprise the IFOR.