iTunes: An unknown error occurred (-42110)

After transferring an entire iTunes library from one computer to another, I received the meaningless message: "An unknown error occurred (-42110)." after starting iTunes 11 on that computer for the first time under that user account.

The problem was solved by renaming the folder C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info (Windows 7). I renamed it but you can delete it.

The folder was recreated automatically. With XP you'll find that folder here: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info


Perfect solution. Couldn't find anything on the Apple Support website regarding this error.

Thanks a bunch.

You're welcome.

Grazie mille! Worked for hours on the problem.

En la dirección C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info, no logro encontrar la carpeta "SC Info" en mi PC, sólo puedo ver el ícono "iPodDevices.xlm"...cómo soluciono el problema???

If you're using XP you'll find it here: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\ .

u r a genius. thanx

Thanks for providing a clear cut solution. Wasted my time on the apple fora! After reading your solution got it fixed in about 20 sec.

Good to hear!

I can't see it, but if I click on properties it says i contains 3 files. I can only see iPoddevices.xml and I'm on Window 8

The folder is hidden so you'll need Explorer to show hidden files and folders. For Windows 8: in Explorer, select the VIEW tab and check the checkbox for "Hidden Files" on the right.

For XP: in Explorer, select the "Tools" menu, then "Folder Options". In the "View" tab check the radio button "Show Hidden Files and Folders".

For Windows 7: in Explorer, select the "Folder and Search Options". In the "View" tab check the radio button "Show Hidden Files and Folders".

On XP the folder is just marked "hidden" and not as a "system" folder so assuming that it's the same under other versions of Windows that should do it.

Sorry for not mentioning this.


This error started happening after I reinstalled iTunes to solve another problem, and occurred every time I opened iTunes afterwards. This solution worked perfectly. I did notice that I was prompted to reauthorize next time I opened iTunes.

Thanks for the feedback.

i tried nut its not working

Try the following mentioned techniques:
Change Date-Time Settings
1. Click Apple | System Preferences | Date and Time.
2. Check-up following box:
Set date and time automatically
3. Click Time Zone and then select correct time zone.
4. Click OK.

Repair Registry
Registry corruption is an important cause. Corrupt Registry entries cause iTunes runtime errors because of data retrieval failure. Scan and repair the Registry to fix your problem.

If issue still exists then for more troubleshooting techniques visit:

I wouldn't call it a completely meaningless error, since I am not able to complete the sync.

Thank you very much!!! You've helped a lot!!!

thanks, with Windows 10 also works

Interesting, thanks for the feedback!

Worked for us as well, no help on Apple website, thanks so much!!!